Tuesday, November 15, 2016



Already feels like forever since I've picked up the computer. Its funny how quickly you miss something you really enjoy doing!

Today is Tuesday and as I sit here it feels like its been a super long week... I was off yesterday... that's pretty sad! I've been pretty productive though! Yesterday I did a Hot Yoga class and today I ran 3 miles!!! Its been a pretty long time since the last time I ran 3 miles.... they felt great though!!

Its sort of my first official "long run" for this training. I did pretty good! I kept a pretty steady pace through the whole run and only stopped at the half way point for about 30 seconds. I've been stopping a lot more lately so I'm very happy with this.

Once my body is more used to doing 3 miles I'll start to use these runs to help me train my speed. My long runs will be more concentrated on endurance. Its super cool to come at this training with a plan... even if its one I'm making up in my head!! I'm tempted hire some type of coach just to see how far I can really take this!!

Its funny... we were in disney this weekend and somewhere in the magic I put a note in my phone that said "I want to use my blog to help people. I want to run the "Glass Slipper Challenge" and the "Dopey Challenge" totally paid for with any extra money raised for charity..." I think it would be awesome if I could figure out a way to get sponsored to run these raises with coaches and bells and SPARKLE!!! Oh can you imagine.....

A dream is a wish your heart makes.....

Peace and love

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Day


Happy Election Day 2016... Trump vs. Hillary.... tun tun tuuuuunnnnnnn!!!!! What a hot mess! I can't wait for the talk to go away until someone else does something stupid! 

One of my very close friends posted this today:

Birth Place : Earth
Race: Human
Politics: Freedom
Religion: LOVE

This makes so much more sense to me than what is going on in the world today. You can call me ignorant or stupid or ungrateful for the rights that have been given to me... but you all know what they say about opinions... we all have them ;)

It blows my mind that Sophie is running around the house chanting "Hillary! Hillary!!" - What about how James follows in her foot steps??? These kids literally live in a home where we do not discuss politics and yet here is my little daughter making decisions based on what some little boy told her at school! I am not ok with that! 

I want so much for my kids and all of our future. Its obvious we need change... I feel that there is no right or wrong in this election. I think that right now what we need is to realize that there are many ways to look at a particular problem and if we turned to Love... a lot of answers could be found. Again... opinions... 

God bless America!

Peace and Love 

Monday, November 7, 2016

The feels

Today was my official start of training for my half marathon. Since I have unlimited classes at yoga I made some time to go to a class today. There will be time for running tomorrow!

Hot yoga is seriously my new favorite thing. Other than running... its one of those activities that just gets you in a zone! Its hard to explain but feels totally amazing. 

I'm very happy to report that I did much better this class than last. I was able to do most of the poses and really focus and get in the zone. The teacher tonight was the owner of the studio and she was AWESOME! Her energy was electric! There was something magical about her!

I left that class feeling so refreshed and energized! The feeling of the fans hitting your body when  you walk out of the room reminded me of being in the middle of thousands of people at a festival. All of a sudden the wind blows and you catch the cool breeze pass over your body.... the feels..... once you experience that you know what if feels like to SPARKLE!!! To be able to find my SPARKLE at yoga is definitely a magical treat! Oh! And to make it better.. when you feel the actual wind blow on you when you step outside at 9pm at night! I'm telling you... I love this stuff!!!!

Seriously hoping to be able to squeeze in another class some time this week! You know how to reach me if you are curious about giving it a try! ;)

Peace and Love

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Magical Fall

Yesterday I kept having this feeling of something ending all day. I heard it in songs and random thoughts I had while jogging. I wasn't sure what it meant but I knew that it was not a bad thing. I acknowledged the "signs" I was getting and told them... "Lets just see what happens"- deep inside I knew that this is my direction.

Friday while cleaning and folding a mountain of clothes I watched two netflix documentaries.. one was called "Happy"  and the other "The Secret" (this was my second time watching this one). Both documentaries were about positive thinking and I can't help but to feel a deeper understanding of these ideas in the last few weeks. 

I have been very interested in eastern medicine and holistic approach lately. Like super interested! Like I almost feel like my career is going to change its focus because of all of this! Its super exciting and a little overwhelming because I don't really know where to begin. I feel like something new is unfolding in my life and its going to be this wonderful thing and it will make me super happy. 

I also realize that there are a few things in my past that I am ready to let go of in order to embrace what is to come for me. I am doing this from a totally loving and accepting head space. It feels so right its hard to explain. Its accepting the lessons that I learned and the good times that were made and using all that good energy to take the next step into the future. Good vibes!!

Speaking of good vibes... today I was able to help my sister and Jeff move into their new house. Although the house they were at is and will always be a super special house... this house seems like it was meant for the Brito's! Its absolutely beautiful!! I can't wait to watch my sister and Jeff make this house a home. Congrats to you both!!! You guys deserve this and so much more! I love you!!!!

Hope you are all having a fun and safe weekend! Thanks for stopping by!

Peace and Love

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Remedy

Back to back! Thanks for coming back guys! Its been awesome having so many of you mention something to me about the blog! I am humbled to have you take the time to see what I'm up to. Please feel free to share this with anyone you think would like my stories!!

Today my funk from the week has lingered.... why????? Its been so hard to get out of my head the last few days. I'll have a few moments of clarity... and then the fog rolls in... and then my head starts to spiral....

The house is a mess... I haven't done laundry... what's for dinner... I need to run... what day is it.... I need to read to the kids... don't forget to water the flowers... pay the bills... clean the car.... you get it... it goes on and on and on...

I know the remedy.... I already know that journaling works and writing things down really does work... but I can't get myself to do the things that I know will make me feel better!! I revert back to my old ways instantly. In a matter of a few minutes I can turn into the self hating person that I have been for the last few years of my life. In the blink of an eye I forget to love Nancy... I forget my kindness and compassion... I really do need to work on that!

So now that I've acknowledged the feelings... what does it mean? It means that we have to start thinking about the things that I did right today... Sure there are a million and one things that I could have done better... but the things that I did... I did my best on those! So that makes me very much worthy some self love!!

So what is it that has been working for me you ask?? 
1. Running.. I got two miles in today after work. My thoughts were a little scattered but I got out there and did my thing!! 
2. Picked up the room and put things in their place so it doesn't look so messy. 
3. Swept the floors
4. Sat outside for 5 minutes
5. Took a warm shower
6. This... writing! 

I am quite proud of myself. And to be perfectly honest I can feel myself try and think about other things that I could have done... but in just the time it took me to write out those six little things that I did for ME... my mind became strong enough to push those thoughts to the side and be DAMN PROUD OF MYSELF! 


This is the head space that I like to end my day with! This is why I am trying this blog thing! If I can encourage you to do just three simple things just for YOU! It can be the first step in loving yourself... and I promise... That's where it's at!!!

Peace and Love

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Running is my happy place

I started this month strong with a great run after work today. I had been in a total funk the last few days. Between a very late night on Saturday, some nasty weather the last few days... oh... and starting FLO... its been a nasty funk. 

In the last few months I have learned a few tricks to help me manage my funky days. Running is a MAJOR key! I get to be outside and connect with nature and let out those yummy endorphins and go to my magical place in head. I really do love it... like LOVE IT! =)

Running is my happy place. While I was training for the marathon last year it was just something that had to get done. I had a goal to do X amount of miles a day/week and that was as far as my goals even took me! 

Once I finished my marathon I sort of fell out of the loop of running 3 or 4 times a week. Oh and those looooong runs!! Thats when you really got to disconnect!! There is a special kind of magic in that! But unfortunately... if I'm not training for a specific run... I don't run.... 

Well I wasn't running... and then came the "NERVOUS BREAKDOWN" - That. SUCKED! I basically spiraled into a sad and lonely place. I got lost in a fog and lost my connection to Nancy..... it was sad.

By the grace of god... I saw the light and decided to make some real changes. Back then it was just for the kids and Harold.... then my parents and my sister... then my family and friends... then my coworkers and patients... then it was for my general interactions with people... and then finally.... Finally it was for ME.

When I finally started to make changes for ME... that is when the magic really started to happen. It was no easy road... and trust me, I am no where near where I can feel I need to go.. but at least I woke up and know that I have somewhere to go to!! Suddenly there is a little clarity in my life... a little HOPE. A little something deep inside telling me that "this is all great... but Nancy... there is more! There is SO MUCH MORE!!" 

Let me tell you... the second I heard that little voice... I knew in my gut that there was so much more growing for me to do. So I set a goal to run my 6th half marathon with a little purpose. To work through my emotions and feelings and thoughts and intuitions and see where it takes me!! 

And to think... it all started when I decided to do just a little something for ME =)

Peace and love

Saturday, October 29, 2016

13.1 Training Plan

Official training for my Miami Half Marathon starts November 7. I usually follow a standard training program online. For my marathon I used Hal Higdon so I've decided to use his "novice 2" training plan for this go round.

Here is what it looks like:

1Rest3 m run3 m run3 m runRest4 m run60 min cross
2Rest3 m run3 m pace3 m runRest5 m run60 min cross
3Rest3 m run4 m run3 m runRest6 m run60 min cross
4Rest3 m run4 m pace3 m runRest7 m run60 min cross
5Rest3 m run4 m run3 m runRest8 m run60 min cross
6Rest3 m run4 m pace3 m runRest5-K Race60 min cross
7Rest3 m run5 m run3 m runRest9 m run60 min cross
8Rest3 m run5 m pace3 m runRest10 m run60 min cross
9Rest3 m run5 m run3 m runRest10-K Race60 min cross
10Rest3 m run5 m pace3 m runRest11 m run60 min cross
11Rest3 m run5 m run3 m runRest12 m run60 min cross
12Rest3 m run2 m pace2 m runRestRestHalf Marathon

I have never followed the plan exactly. I use it as a guide and do the best I can. The main goal is to run 2-3 short runs during the week with one long run that increases by a mile each week. 

Part of my little ritual is adding my schedule to my calendar and getting my mind ready for the weeks ahead. I'm going to look at some motivational quotes and add them to each day ahead of time. I usually look for a quote the day of the run but maybe this can be my little twist to make this training a little more magical!!

I'm really hoping to have a good training. My mind is in a good place and I'm feeling strong. I've had problems with hips and knees and cramping in the past... Lets all send some good vibes for a healthy and strong training!!! 

Peace and love